Serene Woman with Closed Eyes, Wrapped in a Shawl, Smiling on a Beach.

What’s your C-Spot?

The pressures women are under takes a team to support. We can’t change the broken systems (yet), but we can take control of what’s in front of us. Our bodies, our...

What’s your C-Spot?

The pressures women are under takes a team to support. We can’t change the broken systems (yet), but we can take control of what’s in front of us. Our bodies, our...

Sky Painted with Hues of Purple Clouds.

Tracking your period - it’s not just for concei...

Understanding your menstrual cycles will unlock knowledge about your body, mind, energy, motivation, and desires.

Tracking your period - it’s not just for concei...

Understanding your menstrual cycles will unlock knowledge about your body, mind, energy, motivation, and desires.

Fatigued Woman Lying Face Down on a Grey Couch.

The (ultimate) woman-lode

Due to the time required to perform this invisible work, many women choose careers that allow for flexibility, and quietly back out of opportunities for career growth. They trade off...

The (ultimate) woman-lode

Due to the time required to perform this invisible work, many women choose careers that allow for flexibility, and quietly back out of opportunities for career growth. They trade off...

 Woman in Workout Attire Stretching Arms by Placing Them on Wall.

Leverage your cycle to get better workouts

If you menstruate* you can optimize a workout schedule around it. A predictable menstrual cycle has phases, and phases mean you can plan around your hormonal shifts. And who doesn’t...

Leverage your cycle to get better workouts

If you menstruate* you can optimize a workout schedule around it. A predictable menstrual cycle has phases, and phases mean you can plan around your hormonal shifts. And who doesn’t...

 Captivating Woman Gazing Forward with Adorned Gold Foil on Her Face.

The Freyas

Freyas are complex badasses. Freyas are part of the change we are all calling for, together. 

The Freyas

Freyas are complex badasses. Freyas are part of the change we are all calling for, together. 

The Three Co-Founders of Hey Freya.

Behind the Brand

Life is messy and we want to help you have the energy to deal with it all, in a transparent, trust-worthy, easy, and accessible way.

Behind the Brand

Life is messy and we want to help you have the energy to deal with it all, in a transparent, trust-worthy, easy, and accessible way.