Never Compromise Your Health.

We have zero tolerance for unnecessary or harmful ingredients.

No exceptions. You should never have to compromise between feeling better now and your long-term health.

Our Never-Ever List

Benzoic acid

An artificial preservative that can become carcinogenic when mixed with Vitamin C.

Butylated hydroxyanisole and hydroxytoluene

An artificial preservative that builds up in the lungs, liver, and kidneys and has been linked to stomach tumors in animal studies.

Propyl gallate

A synthetic preservative that can cause asthmatic reactions and stomach irritation.

Sodium benzoate

An artificial preservative that can become carcinogenic when mixed with Vitamin C in large amounts.

Sulfites (potassium bisulfite, sodium sulfite)

Preservatives that, when added in manufacturing, can induce asthma in sulfite-sensitive populations.


Manufacturing aids that allow more ingredients to be packed into a capsule. Stearates can inhibit the absorption of nutrients, and make supplements less bioavailable.


A mineral that is mined from underground. Talc carries the risk of being contaminated with Asbestos, because Asbestos is also found underground, and veins of it have frequently appeared in Talc deposits.


Genetically modified organisms.

Bisphenol A (BPA)

A plasticizer used in plastic containers that mimics estrogen in the body and can disrupt thyroid hormones, causing infertility, and miscarriage. Also can adversely influence fetal development and increase cancer risk.


An artificial sweetener that has been linked to high blood sugar levels.


An artificial sweetener that has been linked to high blood sugar levels.

Glycols (propylene glycol)

Artificial substance that can be used as a solvent, preservative, or sweetener. Can be toxic to the kidneys, liver, and nervous system.


An artificial sweetener that can cause allergic reactions.


An artificial sweetener that is associated with a decrease in important GI flora as well as bowel inflammation.

Xylitol and erythritol

Sugar alcohols used as sweeteners that can cause diarrhea, gas, and bloating.

Synthetic vanillin

Artificial vanilla flavor. Synthetic vanillin is used in imitation vanilla flavoring and is usually manufactured from petrochemicals or genetically modified yeast. synthetic vanillin has been known to trigger allergic reactions, GI upset, or migraines.

High fructose corn syrup

A sweetener made from corn starch that has been linked to a fatty liver, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and inflammation.


Among the eight most common allergens. Can cause allergic reactions and discomfort in some individuals.


Among the eight most common allergens. Can cause allergic reactions and discomfort in some individuals.

Fish and shellfish

Among the eight most common allergens. Can cause allergic reactions and discomfort in some individuals.

Wheat and gluten

Among the eight most common allergens. Can cause allergic reactions and discomfort in some individuals.


Among the eight most common allergens. Can cause allergic reactions and discomfort in some individuals.

Carmine (cochineal, natural red 4)

A red dye made from insects, and can cause allergic reactions.

FD&C numbered color pigments

Artificial colors and dyes have in some cases been linked to illness and allergies. FD&C numbered color pigments also frequently contain aluminum.

Titanium dioxide

A metallic colorant that has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as "possibly carcinogenic to humans".

Polyethylene glycol

A coating used to make tablets easier to swallow. but is often contaminated with synthetic substances such as dioxane and ethylene oxide.


A nitrosamine impurity. NDMA is classified as a probable human carcinogen based on results from laboratory tests. NDMA is a known environmental contaminant and found in water and foods, including meats, dairy products, and vegetables.


Gelatin is often made from animal products.


A known human carcinogen associated with skin, lung, bladder, kidney, and liver cancer.


A highly toxic carcinogenic that is harmful to most of the body's systems, especially to the lungs, bones, and kidneys.


A naturally occurring toxic metal that can damage the kidneys and nervous system.


A chemical element that can damage the nervous system, kidneys, liver and immune system.

  • We test every ingredient for heavy metals and microbiology, and contaminants before considering them for use in our products.

  • We third party test every batch for purity.